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German companies sign contracts with Azerbaijan in railway construction

German SSF Ingenieure AG and Kocks Consult have signed contracts with Azerbaijan in the field of railway construction, the head of the business services department of the German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce Fabian Zittlau told Trend on Nov. 30.

According to Zittlau, in Azerbaijan, within the framework of the program for the development of the country's railway sector, work continues on the reconstruction of the section of the Yalama-Sumgayit railway.

"Construction work includes the rehabilitation and new construction of engineering structures and the relocation of the superstructure including sleepers, ballast, installation of continuously welded rails and the replacement of the protective layer. SSF Ingenieure AG and Kocks Consult (Koblenz) will be responsible for verification of the final design, construction management and construction supervision. The contracts have been signed recently and now nothing is in the way of starting the rehabilitation work," he said.

In addition, he said AzVirt is participating in the construction of the Lachin and Zangilan international airports, the Fuzuli-Hadrut highway, as well as in other projects in Karabakh and East Zangazur.
