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Azerbaijan's international policy is inspired by desire for peace, stability in South Caucasus - Lagazetteaz.fr chief

Contrary to what the radical faction of the Armenian community in France claims, it is clear that all of Azerbaijan's international policy is inspired by a desire for peace and stability in the region, Chief Executive Director of Lagazetteaz.fr newspaper, founded by Trend News Agency in France, Jean-Michel Brun told Trend.

“Dialogue initiatives with Armenia are an expression of this desire, as well as President Aliyev's numerous meetings with European Community officials, and Baku's support for the rapprochement between Yerevan and Ankara. President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian met twice in Brussels, in April and May, under the mediation of the European Union to make progress on this subject, but clearly there is still a long way to go. Azerbaijan demands the pure and simple withdrawal of all Armenian forces from its territory. Another stumbling block is the fate of the 4,000 Azerbaijanis who went missing after the Karabakh war. Nevertheless, the leaders of the two countries have decided to meet regularly until an agreement is reached. It is important that all countries in the region enter into normal relations of peace and cooperation. In this sense, the rapprochement between Armenia and Turkey is an excellent one, moreover clearly encouraged by Azerbaijan,” he said.

Jean-Michel Brun noted that Armenia is a little nostalgic for the Minsk Group.

“However, time will not benefit Armenia, especially since there is little chance that the Minsk Group will one day rise from its ashes. Alas, the Minsk Group could not be counted on to ensure lasting peace and the restoration of normal and harmonious relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia. The first reason is the partisan attitude of the French political class, particularly linked to the particularly aggressive activism of certain Armenian nationalist associations in France. The second is linked to the latest events in Ukraine. On April 8, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergei Lavrov, affirmed that France and the United States were no longer cooperating with Russia within the framework of the Minsk Group,” he added.

Jean-Michel Brun went on to add that it was therefore necessary for one of these two countries to take the initiative to make a proposal in order to find a solution.

“This is what Azerbaijan has done by defining 5 principles as the basis of a future agreement to normalize relations. Even though Armenia has always maintained that the talks should not be subject to any preconditions, the Armenian leaders finally accepted these principles, and this is already a considerable step forward in normalization between the two countries. Armenian Prime Minister understood that the Azerbaijani solution was the only viable one for the balance of the region, and therefore lasting peace. Except that, of course, this does not at all suit the nationalist wing of the Armenian political class, which considers this acceptance of the 5 principles as a capitulation, even a betrayal. Pashinyan therefore remains in a very uncomfortable position,” he said.

“We must first recall what these 5 principles are, which non-Azerbaijani readers may not know. It is:

- Mutual recognition of respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, inviolability of internationally recognized borders and political independence of each other;

- Mutual confirmation of the absence of territorial claims against each other and acceptance of legally binding obligations not to raise such a claim in future;

- Obligation to refrain in their inter-State relations from undermining the security of each other, from threat or use of force both against political independence and territorial integrity, and in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the UN Charter;

- Delimitation and demarcation of the state border, and establishment of the diplomatic relations;

- Unblocking of the transportation and other communications, building other communications as appropriate, and establishment of cooperation in other fields of mutual interest.

What does this mean concretely?

First of all, it is a reminder of the international laws. The belonging of Karabakh to Azerbaijan, as well as the need for the total departure of all the Armenian troops present, have been systematically affirmed by the United Nations, and constitute international law in the matter.

In addition, the opening of communications between the two countries will allow an opening up of Armenia, and especially the development of economic exchanges. Exchanges that can only be beneficial to Armenia,” said Jean-Michel Brun.
