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We will continue to provide support in process of reconstruction and restoration of liberated lands in future too - Erdogan

I am delighted with the rapid improvement of Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur and the elimination of the consequences of occupation in a short time. We will continue to provide support in the process of reconstruction and restoration of the liberated lands in the future too, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a congratulatory letter to President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, Trend reports.

"By signing the declaration in the cultural capital of Azerbaijan, Shusha, which was liberated from occupation on 8 November last year, we raised our relations to the level of an alliance, which is a historic step for our countries. There is no doubt that our unity will continue to develop in all areas under the motto “one nation, two states”.

I pray for the peace of the souls of our martyred brothers and express my gratitude to our ghazis, who opened the way to victory.

Dear brother, taking this opportunity, I convey to Your Excellency my best wishes for health and happiness, and for well-being and prosperity to the people of my native Azerbaijan," Erdogan said.
