Destroyed Antakya: a city where stray pictures, thieves and ghosts wander... - PHOTO - VIDEO
A reporter from old.old.pressklub.az writes from Hatay
16 Fevral 2023
The city of Antakya in the Hatay province is the region that has been most affected by the earthquake. Antakya is reminiscent of the "city of spirits" as most of the buildings in the city were destroyed, and human bodies are being taken out from under the ruins. There is no traffic or human voice coming from here, as there would be on normal days. They are replaced by excavators working on the rubble, and hearses that drive silently. If an ambulance is around, this is already considered a sign of life, meaning that somewhere a living person was pulled out from under the rubble, although they are rarely seen in recent days.
Unlike Kahramanmaras and other regions, in Hatay, we were advised that it is dangerous to walk alone due to the large number of looters and thieves. An employee of the local police agency told old.pressklub.az that punitive measures are being taken against criminals, and these cases will be eliminated soon.
Those who suffered from the earthquake were placed in tent cities organized in different places, but they are also desperate because they have no hope of ever returning to their previous normal life. The bodies of many bereaved family members have not yet been found.
And then there are the memories. Photo albums, books, and various objects are found scattered on the ground next to the ruins. The owners of some of them are either no longer alive or have left these places.

Hatay, Turkey
Photos belong to the author