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Weekly review of Azerbaijan's currency market

The official exchange rate of the Azerbaijani manat against the US dollar, set by the Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic (CBA), remained unchanged this week, Trend reports.

The average weighted rate based on the results of the week was 1.7 AZN/1USD.

Official AZN/USD exchange rate
June 131.7June 201.7
June 141.7June 211.7
June 151.7June 221.7
June 161.7June 231.7
June 171.7June 241.7
Average weekly1.7Average weekly1.7

The official exchange rate of the manat against the euro has increased by 0.0023 manat. The average AZN/EUR rate has risen by 0.0121 and amounted to 1.7902 manat.

Official AZN/EUR exchange rate
June 131.7830June 201.7895
June 141.7717June 211.7892
June 151.7717June 221.7842
June 161.7745June 231.7965
June 171.7895June 241.7918
Average weekly1.7781Average weekly1.7902

The official exchange rate of the manat against the ruble has grown by 0.0011 manat. The average AZN/RUB rate has edged up by 0.0012 manat and reached 0.0308 manat per ruble.

Official AZN/RUB exchange rate
June 130.0292June 200.0300
June 140.0300June 210.0307
June 150.0300June 220.0309
June 160.0297June 230.0315
June 170.0292June 240.0311
Average weekly0.0296Average weekly0.0308

The official exchange rate of the manat against the Turkish lira has dropped by 0.0001 manat. The average AZN/TRY rate has decreased by 0.0004 manat and totaled 0.098 manat per Turkish lira.

Official AZN/TRY exchange rate
June 130.0984June 200.0980
June 140.0985June 210.0982
June 150.0985June 220.0981
June 160.0985June 230.0980
June 170.0982June 240.0979
Average weekly0.0984Average weekly0.0980
