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Weekly review of Azerbaijan's currency market

The official exchange rate of the Azerbaijani manat against the US dollar, set by the Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic (CBA), remained unchanged this week, Trend reports.

The average weighted rate based on the results of the week was 1.7 AZN/1USD.

Official AZN/USD exchange rate
June 61.7June 131.7
June 71.7June 141.7
June 81.7June 151.7
June 91.7June 161.7
June 101.7June 171.7
Average weekly1.7Average weekly1.7

The official exchange rate of the manat against the euro has increased by 0.0065 manat. The average AZN/EUR rate has reduced by 0.0392 and amounted to 1.7781 manat.

Official AZN/EUR exchange rate
June 61.8238June 131.7830
June 71.8161June 141.7717
June 81.8155June 151.7717
June 91.8233June 161.7745
June 101.8075June 171.7895
Average weekly1.8172Average weekly1.7781

The official exchange rate of the manat against the remained unchanged. The average AZN/RUB rate has edged up by 0.0016 manat and reached 0.0296 manat per ruble.



Official AZN/RUB exchange rate
June 60.0270June 130.0292
June 70.0275June 140.0300
June 80.0276June 150.0300
June 90.0285June 160.0297
June 100.0294June 170.0292
Average weekly0.0280Average weekly0.0296

The official exchange rate of the manat against the Turkish lira has dropped by 0.0002 manat. The average AZN/TRY rate has decreased by 0.0023 manat and totaled 0.0984 manat per Turkish lira.

Official AZN/TRY exchange rate
June 60.1031June 130.0984
June 70.1022June 140.0985
June 80.1008June 150.0985
June 90.0989June 160.0985
June 100.0987June 170.0982
Average weekly0.1007Average weekly0.0984
