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Weekly review of Azerbaijani currency market

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Oct. 9

By Sadraddin Aghjayev - Trend:

The official exchange rate of the Azerbaijani manat against the US dollar set by the Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA) remained unchanged last week, Trend reports.

Accordingly, last week, the average rate was 1.7 AZN/1 USD.

Official AZN/USD exchange rate

Sept. 271,7Oct. 41,7
Sept. 281,7Oct. 51,7
Sept. 291,7Oct. 61,7
Sept. 301,7Oct. 71,7
Oct. 11,7Oct. 81,7
Average weekly1,7Average weekly1,7

The official rate of the manat against the euro decreased by 0.0071 manat.

The average AZN/EUR rate was 1,9681. Accordingly, the average price of manat compared to this currency fell by 0.0135 (0.68 percent).

Official AZN/EUR exchange rate

Sept. 271,9932Oct. 41,9711
Sept. 281,9881Oct. 51.9716
Sept. 291,9863Oct. 61,9694
Sept. 301,9724Oct. 71,9646
Oct. 11,9682Oct. 81,9640
Average weekly1,9816Average weekly1,9681

The official rate of the manat against the ruble rose by 0.0004 manat.

The average AZN/RUB rate remained unchanged compared to last week - 0.0234 manat per ruble.

Official AZN/RUB exchange rate
Sept. 270,0234Oct. 40,0233
Sept. 280,0235Oct. 50,0234
Sept. 290,0234Oct. 60,0234
Sept. 300,0234Oct. 70,0235
Oct. 10,0233Oct. 80,0237
Average weekly0,0234Average weekly0,0234

The official rate of the manat against the Turkish lira decreased by 0.0004 manat.

The average AZN/RUB rate was 0.191. Accordingly, the average price of manat compared to this currency lowered by 0.0001 manat (0.05 percent).

Official AZN/TRY exchange rate

Sept. 270,1917Oct. 40,1918
Sept. 280,1927Oct. 50,1920
Sept. 290,1914Oct. 60,1913
Sept. 300,1906Oct. 70,1917
Oct. 10,1912Oct. 80,1914
Average weekly0,1915Average weekly0,1916


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