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USAID announces two programs for young journalists in Azerbaijan

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced two programs - international and local experience for young journalists. USAID message received by Turan says that the local program will be implemented in May-June 2023. 20 hours per week, USAID message received by Turan says. Three young journalists will be selected on a competitive basis. The deadline for submitting documents is March 30.

"The interns will be trained in three independent and professional media organizations in Baku," USAID said. The second project - "International Internship Program" provides for internships in Turkey and European countries.

“This program is also designed for 2 months (May and June) for 40 hours a week. Three people will be selected on a competitive basis. The deadline for submitting documents is March 15.

Travel, accommodation and per diem expenses of each participant will be covered. The trainees will be trained in three independent and professional media organizations in Turkey and Europe, the report said.

More about the programs here
