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US Officials Hold Constructive Talks on Religious Freedom with Azerbaijani Leaders

Representatives from the US State Department's Office of International Religious Freedom recently held "constructive discussions" with religious leaders, representatives of religious organizations, and the Azerbaijani government, according to a statement from the US Embassy in Baku.

During the meetings, the American delegation discussed issues related to religious freedom and visited several religious sites, including the Ateshgah Temple of Fire Worshippers, the Ajdarbey Mosque, the Baptist Prayer House, and the Ashkenazi Synagogue.

The Azerbaijani State Committee for Religious Structures also released a statement, noting that its chairman, Mubariz Gurbanly, met with Deputy Ambassador for International Religious Freedom and Special Assignments of the Office of International Religious Freedom, Carson Relitz Rocker, and Adviser on Europe and Central Asia, Johanna I Wolfsberg.

The sides discussed the Azerbaijani model of state-religion relations and the situation in the religious sphere. Gurbanly emphasized that Azerbaijan is a unique region where representatives of various religious confessions live in an atmosphere of unity and harmony, and that the relationship between the state and religion is regulated by the Constitution and the Law on Freedom of Religion.

Gurbanly also noted that despite being a secular state, Azerbaijan provides financial support to both Islamic and non-Muslim religious communities from the state budget of the country.