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UN Child Rights Committee publishes findings on Azerbaijan, Bolivia, Ireland, Mauritius, New Zealand, Oman and Sweden

Today, the UN Child Rights Committee (CRC)  issued its findings on Azerbaijan, the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Ireland, Mauritius, New Zealand, Oman and Sweden,  after reviewing the seven States parties during its latest session.

The findings contain the Committee's main concerns and recommendations on implementing the Child Rights Convention as well as positive aspects. Key highlights include:

The Committee was seriously concerned about the continued practice of corporal punishment and the high prevalence of violence against children in Azerbaijan. The Committee urged the State party to enact legislation to prohibit corporal punishment of children and establish mechanisms to promote mandatory reporting and multiagency intervention in all cases of violence against children.

Regarding child health and healthcare issues, the Committee raised questions about the high number of adolescent pregnancies and the high sex ratio at birth resulting from sex-selective abortions favouring boys. It urged the Government to integrate sexual and reproductive health education into the school curriculum and to address the root causes of sex-selective abortion and its long-term implications for society.
