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Ukraine announces results of Istanbul talks

The office of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has issued a statement on the results of talks with Russia in Istanbul, said the Ukrainian delegation to APA's Turkish bureau.

The statement said that the Istanbul meeting allowed to identify a number of important agreement positions.

"The Agreement on Security Guarantees is not in theory, but in practice an effective tool to protect our territory and sovereignty." In addition, Ukraine is guaranteed access to the single European market as a full member. "This is very important both in terms of funding large-scale economic modernization programs and in terms of avoiding extreme bureaucratic procedures to join the EU."

Zelensky's office stressed that the proposal on Crimea was a revolutionary achievement.

"At least it means returning the Crimean issue to the negotiating agenda. Earlier, the Russian side flatly refused. Moreover, it allows us to preserve the current legal interpretation of the Crimean issue, because for us, of course, Crimea is part of Ukraine. "Refusal of mutual military escalation in the Crimean issue is the key to a general cessation of hostilities," the Ukrainian delegation said.
