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Restoration, construction work in Azerbaijan's Karabakh rapidly proceeding - SETA expert

Restoration and construction work in Azerbaijan’s Karabakh is rapidly proceeding, Senior Researcher at the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA) Ferhat Pirincci visiting Aghdam told Trend on November 26.

"Yesterday, at a conference in Baku at the ADA University, President Ilham Aliyev, answering questions from the participants, sent messages not only in regard with Azerbaijan, but also with the region and the world,” he said, adding that “the most important of them relate to activities in the post-conflict period. Statements by President Ilham Aliyev in connection with Azerbaijan and Türkiye show how close ties are between our countries”.

Speaking about the work carried out in Karabakh, Pirincci stressed that the liberated territories are developing very quickly.

“Last year I visited Shusha, and now I am in Aghdam. Restoration and construction work is going very quickly - the construction of the Zangilan and Fuzuli airports in a short time proves this. Another issue is the mine problem. Accelerated work is underway in Karabakh to resolve it as soon as possible, to ensure the safe return of the population to their native lands,” he emphasized.

The participants of the international conference titled "Along the Middle Corridor: Geopolitics, Security and Economics" have visited Aghdam.

The conference participants included leaders and representatives of top think tanks of the US, Belgium, Bulgaria, UK, France, Israel, Switzerland, Italy, Georgia, Canada, Egypt, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Russia and Türkiye.

The event featured discussions on security aspects of the Middle Corridor, and economic opportunities of the region. In this regard, particularly, the participants exchanged views on the importance of the Zangazur corridor, the new transport opportunities that the East-West corridor will create, and the expansion and diversification of international cargo transportation.
