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Reports Claim Azerbaijani Armed Forces Block Key Route Between Armenia and Khankandi

Reports from pro-government and official media in Azerbaijan on April 3 claim that Azerbaijani Armed Forces have advanced from previously occupied positions and taken control of two villages in the Shusha region – Allahkulular and Zamanpeyasi. However, there is no official confirmation from the Ministry of Defense, and attempts to confirm the reports have not yielded any results.

It should be noted that these two small villages, which have an Azerbaijani population, were captured and burned by Armenian troops during the First Karabakh War in 1992 and have been under Armenian control until recently. The area is significant, as it includes a dirt road used by the Armenian side to bypass the post in Shusha and maintain contact with Armenia.

On March 25, Azerbaijani Armed Forces advanced from Mount Sarybaba and occupied a height of 2054m, blocking three dirt roads that could have bypassed Shusha and reached the Lachyn road, thus blocking the possibility of the Armenian side having a connection with Armenia, bypassing Azerbaijani control.

The reported advancement of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces by the same amount, occupying another dirt road from the village of Zamanpeyasi to the Lachin highway, would further block an exit route from Khankyandi to the Lachin road, bypassing the posts of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces.