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Protests on Khankandi-Lachin road continues for 49 days

Despite the cold and frosty weather, the protests on the Khankandi-Lachin road against the illegal exploitation of mineral deposits in the Karabakh economic region of Azerbaijan continue, Report informs.

The eco-activists and young volunteers express the rightful discontent of the Azerbaijani society with their unchanging slogans. They demand an end to environmental terrorism and the illegal exploitation of mineral deposits.

Currently, the mood of Azerbaijani activists is high.

The young people insisting on the immediate fulfillment of the demands are raising placards written in Azerbaijani, Russian and English and are singing various songs in the spirit of patriotism.

As it has been since the first day, there are no obstacles to free movement on the road passing through the area where the protesters gathered. The road is fully open for humanitarian purposes.

The security of the protesters is ensured at a high level by the military and policemen of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan.
