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Protest on Khankandi-Lachin road enters its 31st day

The protest against the illegal exploitation of mineral deposits in the Karabakh economic region of Azerbaijan on the Khankandi-Lachin road has been going on for 31 days, Report informs.

The demonstration, which started in the morning on December 12, continued throughout the January 11 night. The protest participants were provided with a place to sleep and hot meals.

No incidents were recorded during the night, safety rules are being observed during the demonstrations.

This morning, the protesters started their day by singing the national anthem of Azerbaijan.

Despite the frosty weather, eco-activists are raising posters written in Azerbaijani, Russian, and English on both sides of the road and chanting slogans without hindering the movement.

The protesters’ demands remain unchanged.

They demand to put an end to the eco-terror in the Karabakh economic district of Azerbaijan.
