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Poland's Ambassador to France clarifies remarks about potential conflict involvement

Poland's Ambassador to France, Jan Emeryk Rościszewski, has clarified his recent remarks about Poland's potential involvement in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. In an interview with LCI, a French TV channel, Rościszewski warned of the consequences that a Ukrainian defeat could have, including the possibility of a Russian attack or the involvement of more Central European countries.

Rościszewski emphasized that Poland is not currently at war, but is "doing everything it can to help Ukraine and protect itself" in Russia's war against Ukraine. The embassy also stressed that the ambassador's remarks were not an announcement of Poland's direct involvement in the conflict, but rather a warning of the consequences that could arise if Ukraine is not supported.

The embassy urged audiences to refrain from sensationalizing Rościszewski's words, stating that his comments had been interpreted by some media "out of context." The ambassador argued for the need for allies to support Ukraine, emphasizing the threat that Russia poses to Europe and European values.

Jan Emeryk Rościszewski has been Poland's Ambassador to France for almost a year. Before his appointment, he served as the Chairman of the Board of PKO Bank Polski, Poland's largest bank.