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Pakistan expert criticizes US "Summit for Democracy" participant selection as biased

According to Pakistani expert Qaiser Nawab, the selection of countries to participate in the "Summit for Democracy" on March 30, hosted by the United States, is biased and unfair, Report states. While specific criteria for selecting participating countries have not been made entirely clear, it is possible that factors such as democratic record, human rights practices, and regional stability were taken into account.

However, Nawab notes that the exclusion of Turkey and Azerbaijan may be biased, and lobbying efforts by diaspora communities may have influenced the decision-making process. Regardless of the reasons for the exclusion, Nawab emphasizes the importance of engaging with all countries in the region to promote greater regional stability and democratic values.

While the exclusion of certain countries from the summit may be viewed as a missed opportunity for dialogue and cooperation, the United States remains committed to promoting democratic values and human rights globally. It is essential for all countries to work together to promote these values and ensure a more peaceful and prosperous future for the South Caucasus region, concluded Qaiser Nawab.