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OTS Leaders Sign Agreements on Investment Fund and Civil Protection Mechanism

During the Extraordinary Summit of Heads of State of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS), held in Ankara on March 16, several important documents were signed. In addition to the Ankara Declaration, the leaders of the OTS countries signed an agreement to establish the Turkic Investment Fund and a decision to establish a civil protection mechanism.

The establishment of the Turkic Investment Fund aims to promote investment and economic cooperation among OTS member states. The fund will finance projects in various sectors such as energy, infrastructure, and agriculture, with a focus on sustainable development.

The decision to establish a civil protection mechanism will enable the OTS countries to coordinate their efforts in disaster management and emergency response. This mechanism will facilitate the exchange of information, resources, and expertise among the member states, thereby enhancing their collective capacity to respond to crises.

The signing of these agreements represents a significant step towards strengthening cooperation and integration among the OTS member states.