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Omicron strain may lead to neurological complications, inflammations - expert

The Omicron strain of the COVID-19 may lead to neurological complications and long COVID with adults and systemic inflammations with children, founder and chief executive of DNKOM research center Andrey Isaev told TASS, APA reports.

"Despite the lighter course of the Omicron, it is necessary to understand: if the coronavirus does not lead to pneumonia and artificial lung ventilation, it may have other consequences. The COVID-19 in the past may lead to severe nervous system disturbances - neuro COVID and long COVID may occur when infected with the Omicron as well. Systemic inflammations may evolve with children against its background," the expert said.

According to the latest data of the Russian coronavirus response center, the Omicron strain was found in 84 regions of the country.
