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Mikayil Jabbarov: "Zangazur corridor project is being implemented rapidly"

"Under the leadership of the president, the Azerbaijani army has liberated our lands from occupation. In our just war, fraternal Turkey and the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States (Turkic Council) has provided great political and moral support to Azerbaijan," Economy Minister Mikayil Jabbarov told the Economic Council of the Turkish Council in Istanbul, Report informs.

He thanked Turkey and the Turkic Council member states for their support.

"Our victory in the 44-day Patriotic War is of great historic and political essence, as well as is important for our region. The historic victory has created new realities and new opportunities for regional cooperation for the development of Azerbaijan and the region as a whole. At present, rapid restoration and construction work is underway in Azerbaijan’s occupied territories. I would like to underscore the rapid implementation of the Zangazur Corridor project, which will contribute to the expansion of trade, transit and logistics opportunities in the region, and will connect the main part of Azerbaijan with Nakhchivan. I believe that this project will have a positive impact on mutual trade and investment flows between our countries," Jabbarov said.
