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Kazakh political analyst warns of growing Russian separatist threat

Dosym Satpayev, a Kazakh political analyst, has issued a warning on his Facebook page about the increasing danger of Russian separatism in Kazakhstan. Satpayev cited the recent actions of a group of Russian nationals in Petropavlovsk, northern Kazakhstan, as a cause for concern, describing it as "just a highlight". He further stated that the actions of the separatists from Petropavlovsk were most likely a reconnaissance battle, and called for increased vigilance.

Satpayev drew comparisons between Kazakhstan's vulnerabilities and those of Ukraine in 2014, cautioning that the Kremlin was creating a fifth column in Kazakhstan, as it had done in Ukraine. He cited a report by experts from the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) which outlined how the Kremlin had created this fifth column.

The Prosecutor General's Office of Kazakhstan reported that on March 30, 2023, a pre-trial investigation was initiated under Clause 180, Part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan - "Propaganda of separatism by a group of individuals" against a group of citizens in Petropavlovsk who declared "independence" from Kazakhstan on March 19. Investigative operations are ongoing, and the progress of the investigation is under the control of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

According to Kazakh law, propaganda or public calls for violation of the integrity of the Republic of Kazakhstan or the inviolability of its territory are punishable by a fine, restriction of freedom for up to seven years, or imprisonment for the same term. The results of the investigation show that the citizens stated they were acting against local authorities and not the Republic of Kazakhstan.