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Good opportunities exist for co-op - Azerbaijan's MP says in Yerevan

The Karabakh conflict is over, and there are no more hostilities, Azerbaijani MP Tahir Mirkishili said at the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly Committee’s meeting in Armenia’s capital Yerevan, Trend reports.

According to Mirkishili, Azerbaijan isn’t supporter of the conflict which led to big problems in the region.

"I was born in Karabakh. If you go there, you will see the state of my house. If you go to the liberated territories [which were liberated from Armenian occupation in the 2020 second Karabakh war], you’ll see a lot of ruins there,” he noted. “If you go to Aghdam, you’ll see that it has turned into "Hiroshima" of Caucasus. During the first Karabakh war, we lost about 20,000 people. Nothing is known about the fate of about four thousand people.”

“The conflict has been settled. We don’t want conflict. We don’t want to face either revanchism or threats. Azerbaijan is a strong state. We are ready to respond to any revanchist forces in the future,” the MP said. “The conflict is in the past and we must look to the future. Now there are good opportunities for cooperation in the region, and we must use them. Using these opportunities, we must build a better future for our peoples.”

“One such opportunity is the "3+3" format. This is a new format, which was announced by the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. Using this format, we can achieve lasting peace and economic development in the region," added Mirkishili.
