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Expert: Georgia is ready to play a role in achieving peace in the region

“Azerbaijan and Georgia are natural and strategic partners. Georgia is one of the countries of the region and may contribute to the dialogue,” Ekaterina Metreveli, the participant of the international conference under the motto “Along the Middle Corridor: Geopolitics, Security and Economy” has been held at ADA University, President of the Strategic and International Research Foundation of Georgia told APA.

She reminded the co-existence of Armenian and Azerbaijani communities in Georgia and noted that her country might support peace.

“It is very important for us to achieve peace in the region. I believe that as a regional country, Georgia's neutral position and having a single agenda for achieving peace appropriates its role in the process. It is important to achieve sustainable peace in the region and as academic circles and think tanks also our country is ready to contribute, to play a role in the achieving peace,” she stated.
