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Expert: France's positioning itself as Armenia's supporter reduces own authority

France’s positioning itself as Armenia’s supporter reduces its authority. Radicalization and failure, this is what characterizes France's policy in the Karabakh settlement.

Russian pundit, director of the Center for Political Research Sergei Markov, told Report, commenting on the illegal visit of the French presidential candidate, head of Paris Ile-de-France region Valerie Pécresse to Khankandi.

"Valerie Pécresse is looking for funding from the influential Armenian diaspora in France. Although they attract voters, who are anti-Islamic, because France positions itself as one of the most anti-Turkish countries. French politicians strive to take up an anti-Azerbaijani policy in order to fix their anti-Turkishness, and this is necessary in order to get the votes of anti-Islamic voters," Sergei Markov said.

The expert noted that France had previously undermined the work of the OSCE Minsk Group, as it took a tough pro-Armenian position: “France does not have influence as a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, since this institution has completely failed, it did not work and bears the main blame for this failure. For twenty years, they negotiated as a mediator and achieved zero results.”
