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Expert: Azerbaijan to have closer relations with Azerbaijani population of Iran

The future of Azerbaijani-Iranian relations largely depends on subsequent internal developments in Iran, Michael Doran, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, told Report.

"The regime in Iran is now weaker than ever, and Azerbaijan is a rising power. I do not know how soon this will happen, but the population of South Azerbaijan will have closer relations with Azerbaijan. This will be good not only for Iranian Azerbaijanis, not only for Azerbaijan, but for the whole world," he said, urging "to pray for peace and hope for a closer relationship between the two countries in the future."

The scientist also touched upon the issue of Iran's supply of weapons and drones to Russia. According to him, the Biden administration is in no hurry in the current situation with the introduction of new sanctions against Iran. The war between Russia and Ukraine continues, and the United States now has tense relations with China.

"The US does not want to aggravate the situation with Iran at present. But Iran's military cooperation with Russia will make the imposition of US sanctions against Tehran inevitable," he added.

According to the expert, Iran is well aware of the value of its UAVs, ballistic missiles, as this gives them a military advantage in the region. Moreover, it gives Iran a stronger position in relations with the US until they take any military action against this country.

"The balance will be restored only in the event of US military action," he stressed.
