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EU4 Independent Media to support production of investigative journalism in Azerbaijan

CONTENT PRODUCTION (2nd call - Investigative)

AES 2.2 c Launch open, transparent, thematic content-production calls

Call Announcement

The EU4 Independent Media is announcing a call for production support of investigative journalism content for the audiences of Azerbaijan.

The overall goal of the investigative journalism support programme is to facilitate the production of impactful and compelling investigations on the topics of high public interest. The project is supported by the European Union.

The objectives of the Program:

  1. To support investigative teams and outlets in the countries of Eastern Partnership through provision of content production support.

  2. To support capacity building of the said teams and outlets through production-led seminars, mentoring and technical assistance.

  3. To contribute to wider access to high public interest investigative content to the public in Azerbaijan using a variety of contemporary genres and platforms.

The topics of investigations include, but are not limited to:

  • Corruption and financial crime;

  • Organised crime;

  • Public safety and security;

  • Democracy and human rights;

  • Environment and climate change;

Eligible applicants are:

  • Legally registered news organisations catering for audiences in 6 Eastern Partnership countries, including organisations operating in exile

  • Journalist and press freedom non-profit organisations;

  • Independent content production companies;

  • Journalists/content production teams acting on behalf of any of the above.

The applicants must demonstrate proven experience in producing journalistic investigations, have an active Code of Ethics or Editorial Guidelines in use. Please read the full list of eligibility criteria here.

Listed applicants may apply for a content production support of up to €100 000. 

The deadline for Applications – 9 July 2023.

How to apply?

Please apply only via the online application form.

Please read the Eligibility Criteria carefully for guidance. Any questions that may arise in the process of application kindly address to support.eu4im@dt-global.com.