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EU High Representative urges more military support for Ukraine amid 'extremely disturbing' situation

The High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, has expressed his concern over the military situation in Ukraine, calling it "extremely disturbing." Speaking at the plenary session of the European Parliament, Borrell highlighted the significant increase in the number of Russian soldiers in Ukraine, which has now reached more than 360,000, twice the pre-war figure, apa informs.

Borrell also warned that a counterattack by Russia had already begun, and for the first time, Ukraine no longer held the advantage in terms of the number of soldiers. He urged EU member states and others to provide Ukraine with more military support to help achieve peace, including more exercises, ammunition, and soldiers.

"We must show that we will not give up our support for Ukraine," Borrell said, after meeting with countries coordinating military assistance to Ukraine as part of the Ramstein. "To win peace, you must first win the war," he added.