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Azerbaijan's security and defence sector losses in 2022 amounted to 145 servicemen

Baku/09.01.23/Turan: The irretrievable losses of Azerbaijan's security and defence sector in 2022 amounted to 145 servicemen. Among them, 87 were killed in combat and 58 in non-combat conditions, the Caspian Institute for Military Studies (CIMS) said in a report dated 8 January 2023.

Note that the CIMS has been operating since February 2015 in Germany under the leadership of military expert Jasur Sumerinli, who headed the Azerbaijan's "Doctrine" centre for journalistic military studies since 2003.

Of the combat casualties, 87 were killed fighting with the Armenian side and two were blown up by mines.

As for non-combat losses, 11 servicemen died in car accidents, nine died of illnesses, six were killed due to hazing, another six from unknown causes, four from accidents, and 22 servicemen committed suicide.

The report adds that 105 of the dead were Defense Ministry servicemen, 32 were from the State Border Service, one from each Internal Troops and Emergencies Ministry, four from the Nakhchivan separate combined arms army, and three from the Presidential Security Service.

It is also noted that in 2022, 304 servicemen were wounded and injured for various reasons, most of them gunshot wounds in exchanges of fire with Armenian military personnel and injuries from mine explosions.

The CIMS says that there has also been an increase in the number of casualties since 2021, with 18 combat casualties and 66 non-combat casualties at that time.

As a whole, from 2003, when the casualty count began, the Azerbaijan's security and defence sector has lost at least 4,419 servicemen, of whom some 3,753 were combat casualties. The number of wounded soldiers in the said period is more than 13.000.
