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Azerbaijan's Finance Ministry auctions public bonds

The Baku Stock Exchange (BSE) held an auction on the placement of the Azerbaijani Finance Ministry's public bonds with a circulation period of 364 days on November 22, Trend reports via the BSE.

According to the exchange, 16 investors submitted 27 bids in the price range from 90.95 manat or $53.5 (9.99 percent) to 96.08 manat or $56.52 (4.1 percent) during the auction.

In accordance with the decision of the Ministry of Finance, the cut-off price of public bonds were set at 95.35 manat or $56.09 (4.89 percent) and the average weighted price – at 95.95 manat or $56.45 (4.25 percent).

The total amount of bids at nominal prices amounted to 436.03 million manat ($256.5 million), while the placement volume totaled 93.45 million manat ($54.97 million).

The maturity date of the bonds is November 21, 2023.
