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Azerbaijan's chairmanship of Non-Aligned Movement promotes peaceful coexistence

According to the Deputy Secretary-General of the Non-Aligned Movement, Ambassador Mahmoud Khoshroo, Azerbaijan's leadership of the organization for three years has given it an impetus to achieve its policies of peaceful coexistence, non-violence and non-participation in conflicts.

Khoshroo emphasized that one of the goals of the Non-Aligned Movement is to reduce tension in the world and promote peaceful coexistence between countries. He also noted the difficulties faced by the organization and its members, such as the lack of mutual trust between countries due to various factors.

Azerbaijan's economic potential and good diplomatic relations around the world are key factors in promoting the organization's goals. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Azerbaijan provided financial and humanitarian assistance to more than 80 countries, many of which are members of the Non-Aligned Movement. This effort is particularly significant if joined by Arab and other countries with economic and political weight.

Overall, Azerbaijan's chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement underscores the country's commitment to promoting peaceful coexistence and non-violence in the world.