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Azerbaijani Prosecutor General’s Office reveals cause of military helicopter crash

The Prosecutor General's Office of Azerbaijan has released new information about the crash of a helicopter of the State Border Service.

According to Report, it states:

"As informed, the Prosecutor General's Office is investigating the crash of a State Border Service helicopter in the Khizi district, killing 14 people and injuring two others.

"The investigation revealed that the crash occurred shortly after the pilots lost control, i.e., in the period from 17th to 24th second of the 17th minute of the flight. According to the analysis of the helicopter's flight parameters in the automatic recording system, the cause of the accident was an excessive increase of the pitch angle (the nose of the helicopter is above the horizontal line), an inaccurate calculation of wind direction, and strength. As a result, a sudden decrease in the number of cycles, speed, and altitude of the engine caused the helicopter's tail rotor (which performs the function of maintaining the balance of the aircraft), which was out of control, to crash into the ground and break. The ammunition storage part on the right wing of the helicopter hit the ground and failed, then slipped on its left side. The helicopter deviated from the ground under the influence of a moving propeller and hit the ground on the left side again, causing an explosion and fire in the fuel tanks due to friction.

"According to the preliminary forensic medical examination, the cause of death was a traumatic shock resulting from various injuries.

"As a result of the crash, the helicopter's left door and windshield were dislodged. Four people in the aircraft were thrown out, two of them died at the scene due to the severity of their injuries, and two others suffered various minor wounds.

"The criminal investigation is continuing. The public will be further informed about the progress of the research.


Today, on December 20, the Prosecutor General’s Office of Azerbaijan will hold a briefing to announce the preliminary results of the investigation into the crash of a military helicopter of the State Border Service during a training flight at the Garaheybat airfield in the Khizi district, Report informs referring to the Prosecutor General’s Office.

At the briefing, First Deputy Prosecutor General, State Counselor of Justice of the 3rd Class Elchin Mammadov, Head of the Investigation Department of the Prosecutor General’s Office, Chief Counselor of Justice Nemat Avazov, Deputy Head of the Investigation Department, Head of the Investigation Team in connection with the helicopter crash investigation, Counselor of Justice Sanan Pashayev, Senior Assistant Prosecutor General for Special Assignments, Justice Adviser Tural Aslanov, as well as the head of the press service, junior justice adviser Gunay Salimzade will answer questions about the incident.

As many as 14 servicemen were killed, and two were injured in the accident that occurred on November 30.

The Investigation Department of the General Prosecutor’s Office opened a criminal case under Article 352.2 of the Criminal Code (Violation of the rules of flight or preparation for flight, resulting in the death of two or more persons by negligence) and other articles. The investigation of the criminal case has been taken under exceptional control by the Prosecutor General.

With the participation of senior officials of the Prosecutor General’s Office and the State Border Service, as well as forensic ballistic, firefighters, and forensic experts, the scene was examined, and the ‘black box’ was taken by Defense Ministry specialists.
