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Azerbaijani President: We want to establish relations with our neighbor Armenia

"Of course, now I think one of the most important areas will be the post-war development and the contribution of the EU towards establishment of sustainable peace and cooperation. We are ready for that. Probably, you heard about my statements on that. I say what I mean and this is our policy," said President Ilham Aliyev as he received credentials of newly appointed Head of the European Union (EU) Delegation to Azerbaijan Peter Michalko on October 6, APA reports.

"We want to turn the page. We want to establish relations with our neighbor Armenia and we are ready to start negotiations on peace agreement, on delimitation, on opening communications. Partly this process have started but I think if the European Union is actively involved and I see that there is such a desire that can help us in many areas. Also in general, the situation in the Southern Caucasus now may have absolutely new dimension which it didn’t have for 30 years and which can be also very important factor of stability, predictability, and peace," noted the head of state.
