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Azerbaijani Parliament criticizes French Senate for disrespecting international law

The Milli Majlis (Parliament) of Azerbaijan has adopted a statement expressing criticism of the French Senate conference against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. The statement was drafted by MP Sevil Mikayilova, who is a member of the commission responsible for its preparation.

The statement condemned France's support for Armenia's policy of aggression, which had caused damage to the interests of the South Caucasus region, as well as Europe as a whole. It also accused France of standing by Armenia after the conflict had been resolved, and of being the author of steps and initiatives that encouraged Armenia to use harsh methods to regain its lost position in the region.

The Azerbaijani Parliament called on the French Senate to abandon the practice of distorting the events in the South Caucasus, refrain from actions against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, refrain from interfering in its internal affairs, and take steps that serve to create a long-term peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The statement reaffirmed the principled position of the Azerbaijani Parliament in the context of the latest provocative steps by the French side. The Parliament's statement expressed concern over the disrespect for international law exhibited by the French Senate, and called for greater efforts towards peace, stability, and sustainable development in the region.