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Azerbaijani natural gas delivery crucial for solving Europe's energy crisis, says expert

Jonathan Elkind, a senior research scholar at the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University, has hailed the importance of Azerbaijan's delivery of natural gas from the Shah Deniz field to Italy in helping to solve Europe's energy crisis. Speaking at a round table event for journalists, Elkind noted that Russia previously supplied 155 billion cubic meters of gas per year to Europe, with many countries, including Germany, relying on it for industrial operations. However, supply interruptions led to increased prices and the urgent need for alternative fuel sources. Azerbaijan has played a key role in meeting that demand, Elkind said. Although not as large as Russia's supply, he added that there is potential to expand the production base and develop fields. The global energy crisis, sparked by Russia's intervention in Ukraine, has impacted not only the European continent, but also the global economy, Elkind explained. Azerbaijan is playing an important role in resolving the crisis, he concluded.