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Azerbaijan sees increase in freight and passenger transportation in early 2023

In the first two months of 2023, Azerbaijan experienced a notable increase in both freight and passenger transportation, according to the Committee on Statistics under the Ministry of Economy. Compared to the same period in 2022, freight transportation rose by 6.6% and passenger transportation surged by 20.7%.

Business entities operating in the transport sector carried a total of 33.8 million tons of cargo, with the majority (53.3%) transported by road, followed by pipeline (34.7%), railway (8.6%), sea (3.3%), and air (0.1%). Additionally, the non-state sector saw a 4.2% increase in cargo transportation, accounting for 74.7% of the total volume of transported cargo.

In terms of passenger transportation, transport companies served 271.7 million passengers during the same reporting period. Of these, 87.1% were transported by car, 12.4% by metro, and the remaining by other types of transport.

These statistics suggest a strong start for Azerbaijan's transportation industry in 2023, which will be closely watched in the coming months.