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Azerbaijan responded to statements by representatives of the US, EU and France regarding the situation in the Lachin corridor

Allegations that the Shusha-Lachin road is allegedly closed by Azerbaijan and this could lead to a humanitarian crisis are groundless, stated today the official representative of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Aykhan Hajizade, commenting on the statements of representatives of the US State Department, the EU and the French Foreign Ministry regarding the suspension of traffic along the Lachin corridor.

"Unlike Armenia, which constantly prevents the opening all transport and communication routes in the region, the Azerbaijani side, in accordance with its obligations, over the past two years has reconstructed the Lachin road and created sufficient conditions for its use for humanitarian purposes," Hajizade said.

At the same time, he stressed that the contemplative position of these states regarding illegal economic activities, the plundering natural resources and environmental damage over the past 30 years, as well as the use of the Lachin road for both military provocations and illegal economic activities, contrary to paragraph 6 of the Tripartite statements (November 10, 2020), testifies to their biased approach.

At the same time, it is a matter of serious concern not to attach importance to the mine terrorism committed against the civilian population in the territory of Azerbaijan using the Lachin road, the official representative of the Foreign Ministry further noted.

“The protest action held by representatives of non-governmental organizations and environmental activists on the Shusha-Lachin road in recent days is the result of the legitimate dissatisfaction of the Azerbaijani public with the mentioned illegal actions, and this position of civil society should be respected. The purpose of this protest is not to block any roads - civil transport can move freely in both directions,” Hajizade further said.

As for the humanitarian situation in the region, Hajizade noted that "the Azerbaijani side is ready to meet the humanitarian needs of the Armenians living in our territories."
