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Azerbaijan ensured activity of Non-Aligned Movement, Top Diplomat says

"We should use the potential of the youth in various platforms," said Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov at the closing ceremony of the Youth Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in Baku, APA reports.

According to the minister, young people from four continents participated in this summit.

Calling the summit a historical event, the minister said that this summit hosted the exchange of thoughts and ideas: "The power of the youth is an invaluable asset. We appreciate young people and use their potential."

The Foreign Minister stated that Azerbaijan put forward a number of initiatives, one of which was the establishment of the Youth Network during his presidency of the Non-Aligned Movement: "This network has gained coverage at the international level. The young people of the network met in Belgrade."

Jeyhun Bayramov talked about the value of the Non-Aligned movement. He mentioned that despite the social, economic, ethnic, and religious differences, the member countries have overcome the differences and proved their joint cooperation: "I believe that young people will unite for the sake of the common ideas as representatives of their countries".

Azerbaijani FM noted that Azerbaijan ensured and encouraged the activity and leadership of the Non-Aligned Movement during its presidency: "By the unanimous decision of the member states, our presidency has been extended until the end of 2023, which is an indication of the trust in us".

The Minister added that determination should be demonstrated for global peace and universal norms should be followed: "We encourage cooperation and strive for Bandung principles to be the basis of our future activities".
