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Azerbaijan discloses number of registered religious communities

The process of state registration of religious communities continued in Azerbaijan in 2021, Jahandar Alifzade, head of the department for work with religious organizations at the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations, said, Trend reports.

Alifzade made the remark at an online meeting of the committee’s board on the results of 2021 and upcoming tasks.

According to him, 16 religious communities have passed state registration, thus bringing the total number of registered communities to 971. The documents of nine religious communities are being checked.


He noted that on the basis of appeals received by the committee, last year, 5,847 religious books intended for import were considered, and the import and distribution of books promoting religious intolerance, discrimination and radicalism in the country was prevented.

An expertise of 260 books of religious content was carried out submitted for expertise for publication. During the reporting period, 415 religious books received control stamps.
