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Azerbaijan delegation holds talks with Kazakh officials to deepen information cooperation

A delegation from Azerbaijan, led by Ismat Sattarov, Chairman of the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan, is visiting Kazakhstan for a series of meetings aimed at deepening information cooperation between the two countries.

On March 31, the delegation held meetings in Astana, including with Kazakh Minister of Information and Social Development, Darkhan Kydyrali, to discuss ways of strengthening relations between media outlets of both countries. The discussions focused on the Memorandum of Understanding signed by Azerbaijan's Media Development Agency and Kazakhstan's Ministry of Information and Social Development in August 2022. The parties emphasized the importance of taking effective steps to strengthen information and media partnership, and to ensure regular contacts among respective bodies.

The delegation also met with Eldos Nashirali, Chairman of the Kazakh Information and Social Development Ministry's Information Committee, and Askar Umarov, Director of the Central Communication Service under the President of Kazakhstan, to explore the ways of exchanging information in various fields and expanding cooperation.

The Azerbaijani delegation's visit to Kazakhstan is ongoing.