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Azerbaijan calls on CoE to take an active part in peace and reconciliation - PA

"We are sure that the Action Plan will encourage cooperation between the Council of Europe and Azerbaijan. Visit of the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe to Azerbaijan, his participation in this presentation shows that the Council of Europe gives great importance to its relations with Azerbaijan," said Habib Mikayilli, Head of the Sector for Work with International Organizations of the Foreign Policy Department of the Presidential Administration at the event dedicated to the " Council of Europe's Action Plan for Azerbaijan for 2022-2025", APA reports.

According to him, there are problems regarding human rights in every country and Azerbaijan takes steps in this direction.

"We call on the Council of Europe to take an active part in peace and reconciliation. The Council of Europe can contribute to establishing trust between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Last year's meeting of civil society representatives of the two countries with the support of the Council of Europe can be an example of a step in this direction.

After the 44-day war, international organizations, including the Council of Europe, should consider the needs of Azerbaijan. For example, support in the demining process, since this issue is directly related to human rights. It will save lives and ensure the safe return of hundreds of thousands of IDPs. We also hope that PACE members will agree with the statement of the Azerbaijani delegation on the results of the mining, as well as the search for people missing in the First Karabakh War, "he stated.
