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Armenia’s way of salvation is to restore relations with Azerbaijan - Azerbaijani MP

“Azerbaijani diaspora had also a role in 44-day Patriotic war,” said a member of parliament Jeyhun Mammadov at the meeting of the Milli Majlis held today, APA reports.

J. Mammadov noted that one day after the Victory Congress held in Shusha Armenian diversion group attempted to cross the Azerbaijani border: “Nikol Pashinyan’s one statement before the visit to Russia, and another statement after visit raises questions in Azerbaijani society. US President Joe Biden’s repeating this year what he said last year about the so-called “Armenian genocide” can not benefit to Azerbaijani-Armenian-Turkish relations. Armenia’s way of salvation as sacrificial lamb from being cat’s paw is to restore relations with Azerbaijan and Turkiye.”
