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Armenians failed in opening Lachin road amid rising tensions among separatist leaders

Promises given to the Armenian side by the Russian peacekeepers that the Lachin road would open on December 26 were not justified.

For this reason a group of Karabakh Armenians today intends to demand explanations from the commander of the peacekeepers, Gen.Volkov.

On Friday a group of Karabakh Armenians marched towards the peacekeepers' post from the direction of Khankandi, and demanded that the corridor be opened, according to Armenian media reports.

On Monday evening a large group of Armenians, accompanied by journalists, drove up the Lachin road from the Armenian side and also demanded that the road into Karabakh be opened for them. Negotiations with the deputy commander of the peacekeepers were unsuccessful. According to the Armenian TV channels, the officer, whose name was not given, admitted that they had not received an order from Moscow to open the road. As soon as it is received, the road will be opened, he assured.

Meanwhile, the polarization of political forces in Karabakh was intensifying. The number of Ruben Vardanyan's opponents and those dissatisfied with his policy is growing. "Graparak" newspaper confirmed the fact of the conflict between Ruben Vardanyan and Vitali Balasanyan. The latter had been the sole negotiator with the Azerbaijani side; however, Vardanian dismissed him, seeking to take over the function. There are rumours that Balasanyan will be sacked and former Karabakh commander Mnatsakanyan will take his place.

According to the same sources, there is a growing contradiction between Ruben Vardanyan and Araik Harutyunyan, who did not speak at the last rally and is forced to tolerate Vardanyan's activity.

Vardanian's "amateurism" is also opposed by a number of public figures, including human rights activist Karen Ohajanian, who admitted in an interview on public television in Armenia that with Vardanian's arrival in Karabakh contacts with the Azerbaijani authorities had been broken. He openly stated that Vardanian had no right to speak to Baku on behalf of Karabakh residents.
