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Armenia former ruling party official: “Ilham Aliyev and Nikol Pashinyan are playing a joint geopolitical game” 

There is the "Brussels version" of the settlement, according to which Armenia washes its hands of Nagorno-Karabakh, and the latter is considered a part of Azerbaijan. Armen Ashotyan, vice-chairman of the former ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA), told this to a press conference on Wednesday, reported news.am.

"Let the [Armenian] authorities deny, and then I will publicize the document," he added.

Ashotyan expressed confidence that Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan are playing a joint geopolitical game around the Lachin corridor in order to strike a blow to Russia, and all this—at the expense of Armenia's interests.

"Why does Armenia not raise the matter of clarifying the mandate of the peacekeepers? Why is the demand for the return of [Armenian] captives [in Azerbaijan] not set as a precondition? The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan confirmed that the matter of leaving the status of Artsakh to the [next] generations was proposed by Russia, not Armenia, as it should have been," Ashotyan emphasized.

He recalled the assurances of the Armenian authorities regarding the absence of the "enclaves" issue.

"Yesterday it turned out that there is such an issue. In addition, the [Armenian] authorities give an interview where a map appears on which these so-called ‘enclaves’ are located outside the territory of Armenia. (…). That is, the authorities are surrendering everything, justifying themselves with it, although there is no mention of a corridor through the territory of [Armenia’s ] Syunik [Province] in the statement of November 9, [2020,]" concluded the RPA vice-chairman.

Former ruling party official notes Armenia’s main diplomatic losses in 2022

According to him, the first is the absence of the matter of self-determination of Nagorno-Karabakh in the international documents as the main principle of the settlement of the Karabakh problem.

Second: in the conditions of the paralyzed OSCE Minsk Group, Pashinyan justified the need to continue the ‘sale’ of Karabakh in bilateral and multilateral formats. Instead, it was necessary to request and demand the restoration of the activity of the OSCE Minsk Group.

The third loss is the absence of the wording ‘Nagorno-Karabakh’ in the documents adopted in 2022. “Nagorno-Karabakh, as a subject of international politics, was removed from international document circulation as a result of Pashinyan's deliberate policy” the RPA official said.