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Armenia and Azerbaijan Exchange Documents on Peace Treaty, Key Issues Still at Discussion Stage

According to the Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan, Armenia and Azerbaijan have exchanged four Azerbaijani and three Armenian documents on the peace treaty, as reported by the Armenian service of Radio Liberty. Mirzoyan stated that discussions had led to the formulation of mutually acceptable wording and compromise texts, although key issues remained at the discussion stage, with both parties still far from each other's positions.

Mirzoyan noted that there was no mediation in the negotiation process, and the Western option was not on the table. While there was a Russian option in circulation, it was not agreed upon by the Azerbaijani side. Therefore, the only option left was the Armenian-Azerbaijani option.

The peace treaty proposal from Baku, which was presented in March 2022, suggested mutual recognition of territorial integrity, border demarcation, rejection of territorial claims in the future, opening of communications, and rejection of threats to each other's security. Armenia accepted these conditions but demanded that the Nagorny Karabakh issue be included in the treaty.

Later, Armenia demanded that Azerbaijan begin negotiations with Karabakh Armenians on their status and negotiate with Yerevan under international mediation, which was rejected by Baku. The negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan remain ongoing, and it remains to be seen if a peace treaty will be agreed upon in the near future.