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Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Germany discusses country's realities on TV Berlin

In an interview with TV Berlin's Diplo International program, Ambassador Nasimi Agayev spoke at length about Azerbaijan's location, history and socio-economic development. The ambassador emphasized Azerbaijan's position at the crossroads of civilizations, which has historically led to the formation of a multicultural environment where people of different religions and ethnicities coexist peacefully.

Despite facing socio-economic challenges and military aggression by Armenia in the early years of independence, Ambassador Aghayev highlighted Azerbaijan's rapid development over the past 30 years, making it the strongest state in the South Caucasus. He also emphasized Azerbaijan's productive relations with its neighbors, with the main goal of its diplomacy being to strengthen independence and establish relations with all states based on the principles of territorial integrity and inviolability of borders.

The ambassador also discussed Armenia's military aggression and policy of ethnic cleansing, as well as Azerbaijan's role in ensuring Europe's energy security. The interview provided viewers with a detailed insight into the realities of Azerbaijan and its current position in the region.