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Ambassador: Level of relations between Turkiye and Azerbaijan is example for Organization of Turkic States

“The level of relations between Turkiye and Azerbaijan following the geopolitical changes is an example for the Organization of Turkic States,” Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Cahit Bagci, said at the special session of the Caspian Energy Forum dedicated to Azerbaijan-Turkiye cooperation, Report informs.

According to him, the Karabakh victory is vital in terms of Turkish-Azerbaijani relations and the region.

The ambassador said Karabakh victory was achieved in 44 days, and Baku was liberated in 45 days.

Bagci stressed that 44 is a symbolic number in the history of Azerbaijan: “Turkiye and Azerbaijan are well aware of the geopolitical change. A cooperation model has been developed in line with this geopolitical change.”

He reminded that on June 15, 2021, a declaration was signed in Shusha, the pearl of the Caucasus: “With the signing of this declaration, our strategic cooperation has already reached the level of an alliance. This is our will to expand and deepen our cooperation not only in defence and energy but in all areas. This document was approved by the Parliaments of both countries. It is a guide to contribute to the expansion and deepening of the relations between Turkiye and Azerbaijan in all areas, and if there are obstacles in front of these relations, it is a guide to remove those obstacles.”
