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Who was Anush Apetyan—a nurse or a sniper? And how did they torture the body of the murdered?

On September 23, Sputnik-Armenia published an article about the death of 36-year-old Armenian soldier Anush Apetyan. "Sniper Anush Apetyan died after using up all ammo," says the headline.

One of the moments that catches attention is the story about the circumstances of the death of a serviceman:

"There were fierce battles in the territory where Anush served. Moreover, it came to close combat. Anush was ordered to leave the positions, but she replied: "Where my comrades are, there I am." Anush not only fulfilled her task but also pulled a wounded colleague from the battlefield.

- Comrades-in-arms say that Anush was unstoppable in her temper, and she remained so to the last. The enemy was unable to take the position in close combat. Shelling began, as a result of which Anush and a comrade in the detachment, Samson Kostandyan, were killed. The bodies of both were immediately lowered from the position. By the way, this position is now under our control," says Gegham."

Gegham, who, with reference to Apetyan`s "comrades-in-arms", tells the journalist where and how the sniper died, what happened to the body of the murdered woman-is her own brother ... Wait, but so far, the official structures of Armenia, numerous materials of the Armenian media claimed otherwise. The Chief of the General Staff of the Armenian Armed Forces, Eduard Asryan, immediately accused the Azerbaijani soldiers of the brutal murder of the "Armenian nurse" Anush Apetyan. As News.am reported, "In his speech, the Chief of the General Staff mentioned a video that was allegedly filmed by an Azerbaijani soldier. The video contains footage of the abuse of female prisoners of war, who were subjected to torture and sexualized violence. "

"A video showing the mutilated bodies of two Armenian young women has been leaked to the Internet," another outlet reported. One of them is: "Anush Apetyan was a military nurse. She was raped, her eyes were gouged out, and stones were inserted into her eye sockets. They cut off her fingers and put them in her mouth," the report said.

And on September 16, at a meeting with foreign diplomats and representatives of international organizations, the same Chief of the General Staff of the Armenian Armed Forces, Eduard Asryan, said:

"I draw your attention to the atrocities committed by the units of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, their servicemen in our combat positions, against our servicemen, even female soldiers. I have these photos and videos on my phone. I can show them. <…> I will show you this video. There are no words to describe it all. It shows how they dismembered a female soldier, cut off her legs, fingers, and stripped her naked. This is just the last degree of atrocity. "

According to OC Media, the video that Asryan spoke about was filmed by Azerbaijani soldiers and circulated on social networks. And the former Ombudsman of Armenia, human rights activist Arman Tatoyan found irrefutable evidence: "The name of the Azerbaijani special services, "YASHMA", is written on her body. In other words, they were the ones who committed the crimes. "

These are the pictures that Armenian propaganda paints for us, continuing its attempts to scare the world with "bloodthirsty Azerbaijanis, mocking even the corpses of nurses". Less than two weeks have passed, and the nurse turns out to be an experienced sniper, whose military career began with training at VOMA. According to her father, Anush Apetyan managed to become one of the top 7 snipers there. "Subsequently, Anush joined the ATAN military-patriotic detachment, after which she transferred to military service in Jermuk... she fought during the Taush escalation in July 2020."

After reading the stories of relatives of Anush Apetyan, you think about another question: how could the body of a sniper, which immediately after her death was lowered by comrades from a position invariably under Armenian control, fall into the hands of Azerbaijani special forces, so that they mocked it, and then, having filmed all this on video, they distributed disgusting footage on social networks in order to give Armenian propagandists another reason for new accusations?


Translator: Gulnara Rahimova