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US urges Azerbaijan and Armenia not to interrupt the negotiation process
While in Baku Ambassador Reeker filmed a video message

While in Baku State Department's Senior Advisor for Caucasus Negotiations, Ambassador Reeker filmed a video message.  In his message Ambassador Reeker talks about the opportunity for peace and the potential of the South Caucasus.

On Tuesday the US Embassy in Baku distributed a video message from Philip Reeker:

“Secretary of State Tony Blinken believes strongly in the opportunity for peace and the potential of the South Caucuses. He asked me to return this week to the region because geography is important.”.

“We know the process of peace is not easy, and I know the conflict has caused great hardship and suffering on all sides for far too many years. However, I believe there is also hope.  Hope for a peaceful future.  Hope that momentum will be sustained in these peace negotiations and a new chapter of history can be made for a brighter future for all. I’ve seen real steps, courageous steps, by both countries who can make a future and a durable peace.

As Secretary Blinken said, both countries are committed to a brighter and more prosperous future for the South Caucasus.

The United States supports a direct dialogue between Armenia and Azerbaijan and calls for maintaining this momentum in the new year,” Reeker stressed. From Baku, Riker sent to Tbilisi, and from there he will go to Yerevan. In Baku, he held talks with the President and Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan.

This video message can be regarded as a call to Armenia and Azerbaijan not to interrupt the process of peace negotiations. It is dictated by Ilham Aliyev's statement that the talks in Brussels on December 7 will not take place due to Yerevan's demand that the French president participate in the meeting. Probably, during the visit to Yerevan, Riker will try to persuade Pashinyan to abandon this requirement”.