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The primary target of the war:

Author: Seymur Kazımov 

On the morning of September 27, 2020, a helicopter belonging to the Azerbaijani Army was shot down in the direction of Tartar from an Armenian military unit located in occupied Papravand village of Agdam. The pilot, Lieutenant-Colonel Ramiz Gasimov, ordered the crew to leave the burning helicopter. He directed the helicopter, which was rapidly losing altitude, into an empty area to prevent it from landing in the residential area. As he left the cabin late, Lieutenant-Colonel Gasimov was seriously injured and remained in a coma from 27 September to 22 October. After his death, he was named "Hero of the Patriotic War."

This is the military unit that once belonged to the Armenian Army in the village of Papravand. Taking into account that the Second Karabakh War began on September 27, we can say that the first direct attack on that day by the Armenian military on the Azerbaijani army took place here. The Armenian side has deployed also the OSA anti-aircraft missile system in Papravand for air defense. The complex was used to protect motorized infantry units from air attack weapons flying from below. It has been used against drones, combat helicopters and aircraft.

Immediately after the shooting down of the helicopter piloted by Lieutenant-Colonel Gasimov, the military unit, together with the anti-aircraft missile system, was destroyed by the Azerbaijani Army's retaliatory fire. According to the Defense Ministry, on September 27, in total 12 OSA anti-aircraft missile systems of the Armenian air defense units were destroyed in different directions.

Papravand village was occupied on June 26, 1993. The occupation lasted until November 20, 2020.