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Ilham Aliyev: “Our words concur with our signature and hold equal value”
A message from the President of Azerbaijan to France

Azerbaijan will not change its position on the final solution of the Karabakh issue and its approach to the basic principles of resolving the interstate conflict with Armenia, despite the pressure of some foreign countries - such is the conclusion derived from President Aliyev's speech at the New Azerbaijan Party 30th anniversary event.

This message was directed primarily to France.

“France is now patronizing Armenia. They refer to each other as sisters,” Ilham Aliyev noted, adding that Azerbaijan has more influential and loyal friends in the international arena:

“Our reputation in international organizations and the policy we are conducting at the international level are welcomed. We treat every job with responsibility. Our words concur with our signature and hold equal value. We prioritize the principles of cooperation and friendship in our foreign policy and assist countries in need whenever possible, just as we provided humanitarian and financial assistance to more than 80 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. So this is a big issue. Of course, the fact that we conduct ourselves with dignity in the international arena has earned us further respect”.

“Now we are rebuilding and reviving Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur. It is an entirely new era in our life and the life of our country. Each of us participates in this construction work with great enthusiasm. We have one goal – to quickly return the former IDPs to their ancestral lands, restore the destroyed cities and villages, and show the whole world again that we are a great nation. Today, not only the citizens of Azerbaijan but also the Azerbaijanis of the whole world are holding their heads high. Our dignity has now been restored. We are a victorious people, a victorious state, and this will be the case forever!” he summed up his speech.